Frank Westermeyer

DE *1971

Frank Westermeyer is a German video artist, filmmaker and professor at the University of Art and Design in Geneva, Switzerland where he is in charge of the information / fiction programme in the visual arts department.

Together with Sylvie Boisseau he realizes video works and interventions in public space dealing with the interrelations between the production of space and identity. Producing Landscape – Producing Identity is their first fully financed art research project. Parts of this project have been shown in the group show Dislocacion in Santiago de Chile and at the Kunstmuseum Berne, and in a solo show at vtape, Toronto.

Further solo shows were at ACC Weimar, 1a space in Hongkong, Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Geneva, Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart and at the Kunstmuseum Bern @ progr. Their work has been exhibited in several group shows and at international film and media festivals. He has lectured at several art research symposia like Sensuous Knowledge in Bergen, Practiced Based Research at Bauhaus University Weimar, Fieldwork, Marfa (Tx) and Human Profiling at EPFL, Lausanne. Publications include: Chinese is a plus, 2009. Bilder und Landschaft im postkolonialen Konflikt. In: z.B. Praxisbasierte Forschung in Design und Kunst, 2013.

Producing Landscape – Producing Identity

Context “Baden Württemberg looks oddly similar to my native region in Osorno, Chile” Bernardo Oyarzùn, Chilean artist, Stuttgart, Germany 2009 In our video work we regularly…

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The Generation to Come

The video Das künftige Geschlecht / The Generation to Come once again infuses a text [1] by Alexander Simon, which has been slumbering in the archives since the mid 19th…

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New Brothers

What if one took into account the fact that time in History telling is dependent on space and place? That the notion of time is a…

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New Brothers – full length

Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer, New Brothers, HD video 2011, 130 min Also available with: German subtitles French subtitles Spanish subtitles

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