CL *1974
What is a Landscape for the Mapuche?
Controversies around the representations of the landscapes of Southern Chile (19th-20th Centuries)* “For them [the Mapuche], the dividing line between human, animal, tree and mountain is…
Read articleCL *1974
Fabien Bonniec has led a PhD research in Social Anthropology (EHESS-Paris) and mentionhistory-ethnohistory (Universidad de Chile – Chile) on “The manufacture of Mapuche territories in Chile from 1884 until our days Communities, knowledge and State“. This thesis considers the emerging conditions of the mapuche territoriality since the end of the XIXe century to our days, in the context of the incorporation of these indigenous people into the Chilean nation. It puts forward the practices of the actors who, in various historical and social configurations, contributed to transform the land requests formulated by métis peasants committed to territorial claims in the name of the Mapuche people.
He is Research Professor in the Núcleo in Estudios de Investigación e Interétnicos Interculturalesof the Catholic University of Temuco, and associate researcher at the Institute forInterdisciplinary Research on social issues. His current research are all related in one way or another, with the question of Mapuche territoriality: agrarian reform in the province of Valdivia,the construction of landscapes in southern Chile, the sociocultural construction of the legal fieldin Araucanía region, anthropological expertise in Mapuche cultural contexts, the relationship to the nature and to the land in the context of parlamentos Spanish-Mapuche.
Controversies around the representations of the landscapes of Southern Chile (19th-20th Centuries)* “For them [the Mapuche], the dividing line between human, animal, tree and mountain is…
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